Sledgehammer Striking System (Adult)
The original founders of this syllabus bring their favorite techniques to this grade, showcasing the very best of their huge range of skill sets. Students are expected at this level to display a detailed understanding of all Kickboxing techniques and movement across the full range of rule sets. Students will need to demonstrate coaching abilities and an ability to defend themselves in almost any self-defense scenario.
4 Tags on Purple Belt. Full sparring equipment.
1x 2min round
1x 2min round
TECHNIQUES (line work, to be performed in both stances) All kicks to be performed showing chambers, kicking off the front leg and landing in front unless otherwise stated)
a. One technique randomly selected from each of the previous grades
b. Phil Higgins. Traveling side kick, hold chamber, Jumping Spinning Hook kick rear leg.
c. Phil Else. Shuffle Jab, sternum elbow, angle whilst pulling opponents guard down, cross.
d. Richard Salter. Jumping Spinning Hook kick rear leg (land back). Jumping roundhouse Kick rear leg
e. Gary Jones. Front Kick rear leg. Jumping Axe Kick front left. Hook kick rear leg.
f. Les Austin. Rear leg Whirlwind kick (one step jumping spinning inside crescent kick)
g. Paul Busby. Shuffle Jab, reverse punch, 'Raymond Daniels' double jump back kick (jumping front leg side kick into spinning back kick rear leg).
a. Prone position football kick.
b. Self Defense from previous grades
5x 2min round (free pad holding and coaching to be expected)
8x 2min round
1. Attacker: lead leg side kick Defender: lead arm block down reverse punch
2. Attacker: rear leg round kick to leg. Defender: lead leg check.
3. Attacker: Front leg front kick to chest. Defender: Lead arm sweeping
4. Attacker: Switch round kick to leg. Defender: Rear leg check, cross, hook, round kick, return to stance
5. Attacker: Traveling side kick to the body. Defender: Lead arm outer scoop, angle and counter
6. Attacker: Clinch hold. Defender: Inward rotation of lead arm, counter cross and hook.
7. Attacker: Lead leg round kick to the head. Defender: Spinning hook kick rear leg
8. Attacker: Shoulder pushing. Defender: Jump back kick rear leg.
Up to 8 minutes